Abstract of Paper to be Presented at Accio 2005

Harry Potter: The road map to liberating alchemy

Hans Andréa

Hidden deep under all the excitement, mystery and suspense of Harry Potter is a spiritual foundation of intense power and beauty that can take the human being on a road to liberation from suffering, illness and death, and on to the freedom of man's original divine universe. This foundation consists of the esoteric teachings of all ages, on which the exoteric religions are based.

The aim of this presentation will be to show remarkable similarities between Harry Potter and one of the fundamental manifestos of the Rosicrucians, published in 1616: The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross anno 1459.

From there the presentation will aim to show that Harry Potter is basically a Rosicrucian story outlining the process of liberation through alchemical transmutation and transfiguration. References will be made to the writings of the 20th century Rosicrucian, Jan van Rijckenborgh.

Each of the main characters will be dealt with and their place in the process of liberation shown. A few references will also be made to esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, and Taoism.

A more detailed description of the above ideas can be found on the website: http://www.harrypotterforseekers.com.